Betty White - vegetariánka?

Betty White – vegetariánka?

Betty White je herečka, komička a televizní osobnost známá po celém světě. Tento článek se bude soustředit na jednu zajímavou informaci o této skvělé dámě – Betty White je vegetariánka! Pokud vás zajímá, proč se Betty rozhodla být vegetariánkou, jaký vliv to mělo na její život a kariéru, čtěte dál!
Betty White – vegetariánka?


Betty White, an award-winning actress and one of the most recognized names in the entertainment industry, has been a topic of discussion for her vegetarian lifestyle. As a long-time vegetarian, Betty White has been an advocate for animal rights and a cruelty-free lifestyle. In this article, we will explore her life as a vegetarian and understand why she made this life-changing decision.

Early Life and Career

Betty White was born on January 17, 1922, in Oak Park, Illinois. She began her career in the entertainment industry at the age of 17, as she began working on a radio show. Later, she went on to work on various television shows and films. With a career spanning over seven decades, Betty White has left a significant mark on the industry.

Turning Vegetarian

Betty White’s journey towards becoming a vegetarian began in the 1960s. At the time, vegetarianism was not a widely accepted lifestyle choice. However, Betty White’s love for animals and her growing concern towards animal cruelty prompted her to make a change.

“I’ve always loved animals, and I realized while I was in my twenties that I didn’t want to eat them,” Betty White revealed in an interview. “I want them to live as happy and comfortable as they can be.”

Betty White as an Animal Rights Activist

Betty White’s love for animals goes beyond her dietary choices. She is an active supporter of various animal charities, such as the Los Angeles Zoo and The Morris Animal Foundation. She has been an active member of the board of directors of The Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association since 1974.

In 2010, Betty White teamed up with the American Humane Association to call for animal safety on film sets. She has also raised her voice against cosmetic testing on animals, amongst other issues.

Health Benefits of Vegetarianism

Betty White is not the only one who has realized the benefits of a plant-based diet. According to studies, a vegetarian diet can contribute to lower rates of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. It can also reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.

A vegetarian diet can also be an excellent source of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It can provide a range of health benefits and help maintain a healthy body weight.

The Future of Vegetarianism

Betty White’s journey towards vegetarianism began over 50 years ago, and the world has come a long way since then. Today, vegetarianism is recognized as a healthy lifestyle choice, and it’s an essential part of many people’s lives.

As people around the world become more aware of the benefits of vegetarianism, we can expect to see more people turning towards plant-based diets. The future of vegetarianism is bright, and we can look towards Betty White as an inspiration for leading a cruelty-free and healthy lifestyle.


Betty White’s journey towards vegetarianism has made her an inspiration for many people around the world. Her love for animals and her concern towards animal welfare have led her to make a significant change in her life. As more people choose to lead a vegetarian lifestyle, we can look towards Betty White as a role model for living a healthy and cruelty-free life.

Často Kladené Otázky

Je Betty White vegetariánka?

Ano, Betty White je vegetariánka. Na veřejnost vydala mnoho prohlášení o tom, jak hluboce věří v etické a zdravotní důvody, proč se rozhodla být vegetariánkou. Dokonce napsala několik knih o životě bez masových výrobků.

Co vedlo Betty White k rozhodnutí stát se vegetariánkou?

Betty White už má velmi dlouho silné zájmy o zdraví a ekologii a věří, že bychom měli být odpovědní za své spotřebování a vliv na planetu. Z tohoto důvodu se rozhodla omezit spotřebu masa a stát se vegetariánkou. Wendy Williams v jednom rozhovoru s Betty White řekla, že Betty je také vegetariánka, protože nechce zabíjet zvířata. Betty potvrdila, že to je zcela pravdivé a že si v současnosti nemůže představit jiný způsob stravování.

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